Do You Want to Become an Accredited Fertility Expert - Coach Practitioner?

I'm so thrilled that you've taken this leap to re-visit your wish to work in the field of fertility, or up-skill if you're already working with fertility clients!  By taking this step, you are one step closer to fully CHAMPIONING OTHER WOMEN, MEN, COUPLES & INDIVIDUALS!


LET'S DO A QUICK RECAP ON WHAT YOU'LL GET IF YOU JOIN US!!  You will be training in an extensive programme that carries the highest level of internationally recognised accreditation offered via our accreditors IAPC&M.  Our level 7 accreditation is the equivalent of post-graduate training to Masters Degree.

PRACTITIONER LED deep-dive training, mentorship and support awaits you!  You will be taught by experts in the field of functional medicine, nutrition, pharmacology, psychology, fertility medicine and more.  You will also meet a range of other relevant speakers during your eighteen months of training.

STUDENT PORTAL video recorded training modules arrive into your student portal the first Monday of the month.  This is followed up with monthly live teaching the next Saturday and bi-monthly zoom support for all and any additional training needs.

MINIMUM 12-MONTHS FREE ACCESS to Women's Health Network inner-circle referral system once qualified.

FULL ACCESS to a done-for-you fertility protocols template called the  "6-Step Path-To-Parenthood".  

BUSINESS GUIDANCE to include helping you collate the vision of what you want your new fertility business to do, be and offer, along with supporting you to gain clarity on who your ideal client is, and how to create a sales page blueprint and design a 12-month business action plan!

We Will Give You The Wings To Help You Fly And Achieve Huge Learning And Business Successes.  It's An Honour To Be On This Journey With You, While You Learn How To Best Support Those On Their Path-To-Parenthood.





The Right Accreditation

Internationally recognised accreditation programme and Women's Health Network Fertility Expert-Coach Practitioner professional certification.



Practitioner led deep-dive training, business mentorship and support, headed by Liadh Fitzgerald, CEO and Founder of Women's Health Network.


Gain Clarity to Make Change

Receive training that places you centre stage in your clients journey where you have the honour of helping them get one step closer to their dream of becoming a parent.

I'm Joining!
Your existing or future clients will often require a lot, and achieving success in their journey can hinge on some crucial factors such as — having robust reproductive cells, healthy eggs and sperm, and a receptive uterine lining for their cherished embryo.


Equally important is having a dedicated champion in their corner - you.


If you train with us, your new role will be one of supporting, guiding, and helping them navigate the challenges of the fertility journey during times when they need to ask others and themselves difficult questions, and when they need to make decisions that can carry a heavy emotional weight.

You will be able to support all of this through areas such as:

Increasing Clients Knowledge By Helping Them:

Understand their fertility and fertile cycle.

Listen to what their body is telling them about their fertility.

Optimise their egg and sperm health.

Increasing Clients Opportunities By:

Guiding them towards enhancing their uterine health.

Working to minimise miscarriage risks where possible.

Supporting their mental and emotional health and needs.

Supporting In Other Ways By:

Signposting them to other relevant supports.

Educating them on fertility jargon, tests and treatments.

Help them believe in miracles! 

We're So Happy To Welcome You In!