Are you struggling to support your fertility clients?  Do you feel you don't have enough fertility knowledge to confidently serve them?  Do you wish there was a deep-dive training and mentorship programme available to you that taught all things fertility?

WELCOME to The Women's Wellness Practice Academy - we're here to help you with all of the above!

Train as a Fertility Therapist and learn everything you need to know about this amazing area of speciality, with Liadh Fitzgerald 

MSc, mIFM, mEFS, mBANT, Reg Nut, ND, Dip Ac, Dip NLP, CEO MyIVF.Coach, Functional Medicine Practitioner and founder of The Women's Wellness Practice Academy.

Fertility therapy is a VERY rewarding career!  BUT you 100% need to know exactly what you're doing in order to fully support your client and get them tangible results.

This career places you center stage in your clients journey, and with that comes the responsibility and honour of being able to make a huge difference to their lives.  You can be the person to get them one step closer to their dream of becoming a parent!

This is also a very vulnerable stage in their life, and they will have so many questions for you.  Questions you will be able to confidently answer during and after this training and mentorship programme.

There is a lot your client will want from you, and even more that they will need in order to succeed on this journey, such as robust reproductive cells, healthy eggs and sperm and a uterine lining that is receptive and ready to implant the tiny and already-loved embryo your clients are hoping to create and dreaming about. 

So, if you're ready to do the following - this programme is for you!

Optimise your clients egg health

Enhance their uterine receptivity

Boost their sperm health

Encourage embryo implantation

Promote an ongoing pregnancy

Minimise their miscarriage risks

Support their mental and emotional needs

Help them believe in miracles! 


Become a member and get ALL the perks!
Only Ā£97 Per Month!!

This 12-month, 12-module, training & mentorship programme will teach you everything you need to know about fertility, the fertility client & how to produce the BEST intervention therapy programme for them!


In fact we GIVE you a ready made intervention programme template to use once you've completed the training!


Yes, that's right - we've done the hard work for you, meaning you can literally hit the ground running & support your clients with a ready-to-go programme. 


You will be able to practice with confidence using tried-and-tested protocols that have been used in clinic for over a decade with amazing results!

  • Learn how to work at a DEEP level with clients facing fertility issues or undergoing IVF. 

  • Discover how to prepare your clients mentally, emotionally AND physically for this challenge.

  • Become the therapist who helps clients improve their fertility-health and INCREASE their chances of success.

  • Discover the VITAL ingredients for a successful fertility intervention therapy programme, in the 'must-be-covered' steps included in the ‘Fertility Foundations' module.  

  • Learn how to run your clients through fertility-focused functional medicine and nutrition HEALTH CHECK questionnaires! 

  • Be shown how to develop a personalised programme – UNIQUE to your clients that enhances the fertility intervention programme we hand to you after training! 

  • Unearth for your clients a full list of the ‘MAIN OFFENDERS’ that compromise fertility health and pregnancy and give them clear guidance on where they are being exposed to these offenders and how to minimise that exposure (without getting paranoid!).

  • Give your clients full sight of the range of foods they SHOULD be eating in order to optimise egg and sperm health, promote implantation and encourage pregnancy.  Plus the foods they SHOULDN'T be eating - for example pea protein!

  • Learn how to build a fertility focused PERSONALISED supplements prescription for your clients and get clear sight of the main fertility health supplements that should complement any fertility journey and the ones that might be necessary for the individual.

  • Discover supportive fertility health lifestyle, mindfulness and emotional protocols that will help support this side of your clients journey, and be guided on how to help your clients include these AND some well-deserved and needed ‘me time’ into their day, every day. 

  • Help you clients build a personalised ‘SUPPORT CIRCLE’ who will help them through their fertility journey.

  • Discover how to support the male partner and acknowledge THEIR role in this journey and the importance of male factor fertility.

  • Get excited at the prospect of learning how to read fertility-related BLOOD RESULTS and become familiar with fertility-related functional medicine testing!

  • Understand your client and know how to DEFINE them and where to find them. 

  • UNEARTH your business side and learn how to case manage your clients.

  • Be introduced to SO MUCH MORE during this unique and amazing 12-month, 12-module training and mentorship programme!

  • Dictate what YOU want to learn and what you want answered during mentorship and Q&A every single month!


We understand that right now you don’t know where to even start with all of this, because the above was a lot to take in.  Maybe you have some idea of where to begin but not enough to practice in this field with confidence, which is why you're here.  Once you enroll as part of our community and receive unparalleled training and mentorship support you can leave those worries behind because we will show you everything you should be doing to optimise your clients fertility and help them navigate this very special road to parenthood.

YES PLEASE!! Put me on the waitlist!

Meet Liadh, Who's Built A Successful Online Fertility Business

Hi there,

I have been teaching students since 2007 and I'm so excited at the prospect of teaching you too!


Yes, I have a really successful fertility business, and I've also spent years teaching and lecturing mature students - from fertility nurses to pharmacist and clinicians, to those working within the national health service in Ireland, and students at the very beginning of their education journey.  And I've loved every single minute of it! 

Now, I want to teach you how to become the very best fertility therapist you can become and help you build an amazingly rewarding career. 

With me as your guide, you will be given all the tools you need to become that therapist.  And once you're fully trained I will be handing you the very same protocols and programme template I've used in clinic for over a decade with amazing results.  In fact I've reached 90% success months for clients using this very protocol!

But before all that, I need to talk about who you are. You're already qualified (or you are about to qualify) in therapies such as nutrition, naturopathy, natural sciences, and acupuncture, or you're a medical professional.  You will be (or are planning to be) a member of a recognized association or licencing body and you believe in the science-based and evidence-based models of research and practice.  You want to specialise in fertility and you want a deep-dive programme that sets out and teaches you everything you need to know about fertility, fertility nutrition, supplements and lifestyle medicine protocols to use with your clients.  You also want someone skilled in this area to mentor you and answer all your fertility queries or the queries of your clients.  You have a great interest in Functional Medicine (FM) and are eager to learn how to use some of the FM principles in your practice.  You want a strong overview of clinical skills and be shown the important fertility-health signs and symptoms your client may be displaying.  You know the ability to be able to read lab results and discuss functional medicine testing is a must for any therapist working in this area, as is corresponding with medical consultants and clinics and you need to learn how to do all of this with confidence.  You also want to be able to support your client emotionally and help them build resilience skills as they journey on this path to parenthood.

There's lots more you want too and I can guarantee you'll find it within this 12-module, 12-month training and mentorship programme!!  If it's not there I'll eat my hat!  Well, actually I won't, but what I will do is create for you whatever you feel is missing and I will deliver it live during one of our monthly mentoring and case study sessions.  

But before all that, I need to talk to you about who I am!  I'm a functional medicine practitioner, nutritionist, naturopath, acupuncturist, neuro-linguistics programming practitioner, lecturer, trainer, keynote speaker and member of the Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM), European Fertility Society (EFS) and British Association for Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine (BANT).  I have worked in a private clinic setting since 2005 and have worked solely in the field of women's health and fertility in clinic since 2012.  I have spend many years working on behalf of the Irish Health Service Executive (HSE) which is the equivalent to the UK's NHS, in the field of neuro-rehabilitation, and as reproductive function begins in the brain you could say I have expert knowledge of this area!  I have also worked with a well known European pharmaceutical/nutraceutical company, training GP's, pharmacists, health therapists and practitioners.  Since 2007 I have also worked privately as a lecturer and tutor, senior clinical supervisor, bio-medicine and nutrition lecturer, and healthcare trainer training healthcare assistant staff for private and public settings.    

I know you're in safe hands with me as your mentor and teacher and I hope you do too.

EXCITED??  Me too!

See you inside the programme.

With love & respect,



YES! I want to be trained by Liadh
Only Ā£97 Per Month!!