Internationally Recognised Level 7 Equivalent Accreditationn

Let's Have a Baby™ 


What is our Let's Have a Baby™ programme?

I'm thrilled to share with you the fantastic news about our cutting-edge fertility support program  Let's Have a Baby™! 

This program is meticulously designed to provide you with unwavering support, empowering you on your journey towards parenthood. We're here to stand by you every step of the way, celebrating your successes and offering guidance during any challenges.

Imagine a path illuminated by hope, where we work together to unlock the incredible potential within your reproductive system. Our fertility support program combines expert knowledge, a warm welcome, and cutting-edge strategies to enhance your fertility that you can action today.

From nutrition guidance that nourishes your body to stress-relief techniques that soothe your mind, we're dedicated to optimising your chances of success.

What sets our program apart is the synergy between our compassionate team and your aspirations. We understand the uniqueness of your story, and we're committed to ensuring our approach makes you feel that you are in the right place with us. With a focus on evidence-based practices, we'll guide you through the latest advancements in fertility enhancement, providing you with the tools to make informed decisions, all the way from putting in place the foundations to better fertility through to the next level steps known to optimise fertility at a deeper level.

But it's not just about information; it's about the emotional bond we form as you become part of our close-knit fertility family who meets once a week via video. We're here to listen, to uplift, and to remind you that you're not alone on this journey. Our weekly support group creates a safe space for you to connect with others who share similar experiences, fostering a sense of unity and strength.

As you embark on this next chapter, we're thrilled to be your companions to help you navigate this path, and we can't wait to witness your success stories unfold. Your dreams are our inspiration, and we're here to cheer you on, every step of the way. Welcome to a world of encouragement, hope, and limitless possibilities and this very special programme that is designed to:

  • Boost egg health
  • Enhance sperm health
  • Optimise implantation
  • Promote pregnancy
  • Minimise miscarriage risks
  • Support your emotional and psychological needs 

Here's a note of encouragement from Liadh Fitzgerald, CEO & Founder of Women's Health Network and designer of our Let's Have a Baby™ programme:

"Hi there, I'm so happy you have found us, and I'm equally happy to have created our wonderful Let's Have a Baby™ programme for you. I understand human fertility at the deepest level - not only because I've studied and researched it for years - but because I've lived it too...  I've been where you are, at my wits end wondering if anything was going to help me achieve my dream of becoming a mum. 
I was diagnosed with infertility in October 2008.  There was zero hope of a natural pregnancy for me, and I was told that in my mid-30's my chances of IVF success were declining too. My reaction was 'no - I know how to enhance my chances, I do this with my clients every day'. 
Thankfully, I had that big bag of arsenal to draw upon which was a deep and science based knowledge of how to improve fertility, gained from years of research into human fertility and in-clinic work with my clients. I wasn't beaten yet!
And thankfully, I wasn't beaten at all, because I did enhance my chances, having baby number 1 aged 38, and number 2 aged 40!!  My IVF consultant told me that I didn't realise how unusual it was to be so successful with each round of IVF, and with my own eggs at my age.  Again, I rallied against this and said no actually - I've worked hard to enhance my fertility in a very systematic, strategic and powerful (yet extremely simple!) way.  After all, I wasn't getting 90% success months in clinic with my fertility clients for nothing!
I'm now bringing this systematic, strategic and powerful programme to you and if you need it I want you to be able to access it.  I know how much this programme is worth to a business financially, but I know better that it's true value lies in how much a child is worth to you. Because of that, this is a low cost programme despite it's size and my commitment to you whilst on it, with payment plan options in place.    
With me as your guide you will be able to leave behind the go-it-alone approach as I show you exactly how to enhance and optimise your fertility without feeling overwhelmed or confused, allowing you to finally wave bye-bye to the services of ‘Dr Google’ and fully step into your fertility journey.
I have poured my heart and soul into designing this plan to help get you so much closer to where you want to be, and I am so honoured that you have entrusted part of your journey to me. 
With love and respect, Liadh xx"
(MSc., mEFS, mIFM, mBANT, Reg NP, AFC, AFM, Lic Ac, ND, Dip NLP, AFMCP.)

Link to: Let's Have a Baby™ programme

THE Nutrition, Lifestyle and Mindfulness Tools You Need To:

  • OPTIMISE egg health

  • ENHANCE uterine receptivity

  • PROMOTE sperm quality

  • MINIMISE miscarriage risks and